Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Q & A Versus Q & Q!

Q and A is bad. It's usually a "poor man's excuse" for exposition.

But what about Q and Q?

A noir style script I'm writing has a few dialog exchanges which have rapid fire question, answered by question, followed by question moments.

Verbal jousting, as it were. (I think each question in the string becomes a statement.)

To me, this is a far cry from Q and A and unlike exposition, can actually work to create amazing subtext. It has the added advantage of establishing character as well as building unique relationship between characters. 

My current screenwriting mentor commented in his review notes that these scenes were "Q & A" (with negative connotation).   I think he's wrong.  To be continued!

Update from Sept 8

Having discussed this with said mentor (many wines and beers later), he agreed that Q and Q is fine and that he may have "rushed to judgment."

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