Saturday, July 4, 2015


I remember (millions of years ago) watching fireworks from our rooftop on Avenue C in Brooklyn. You could see the fireworks in Coney Island - even though they were 6-7 miles away. 

There were a couple of times we sat on the beach in Coney to watch them.  The first time it was an amazing experience, sitting directly under the explosions caused a concussive 'thud' in your chest. Wow!  For a little kid, that shit's awesome!

Fireworks 'in the distance' never quite did it for me after that.  Sure they were cool, but that collective symphony of physical, auditory and visual power looses something as each part diminishes (or even disappears).

As boys, we loved setting off fireworks. Lighting them and running. Blowing stuff up. But as an adult.., meh.

When Macy's moved the fireworks from the Hudson to the lower East River, and since we were living in Brooklyn Heights, we had THE view.  After a couple of years of 'fighting the crowds' we found a great 'secret' location.  Furman St., below the Promenade, right on the shore.  It was as close as you could get to the barges. It was way cool.

Today that 'secret spot' is a giant, public park that tens of thousands have already visited. I can't even imagine how crowded it will be tonight. (Kinda glad I'm not there!)

Which brings me to Asbury Park.  During our first few summers here (not the very first, that year we had to stay on the boardwalk) people were allowed to sit on the beach to watch the show (see photo).

The first time we did this, I was transported back to those few summers on the beach in Coney Island.  I was "a kid again" (if only briefly).  I love moments like that and I hope to have many more of them as I drift into my twilight years.

So watching the fireworks in Asbury Park for the last decade or so, has been a blast. Even though we have to stand on the boardwalk or hang out on the second floor balcony of Watermark bar
(they don't allow people on the beach anymore) it's been fun.

Tonight, we're attending a BBQ with friends in Long Branch (up north a bit) and will be watching their fireworks display.  As a long string of AP fireworks comes to a close, I can only plan and hope to be able to attend again in future summers.

This is not "goodbye."

Addendum: The fireworks in LB were a huge disappointment (not to mention we were at least a quarter mile away). Our friends said, the AP fireworks were the best in years. Sigh.

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