Friday, July 22, 2016

The Puzzle Ring

Asbury Park - July 22, 2016

Many years ago - over forty to be more specific - I went to the Renaissance Fair in Tuxedo, NY. There, I fell in love with a sterling silver, 6 band, puzzle ring (designed, crafted and sold by Pepi).

As I recall, the ring cost something in the neighborhood of $60, a king's ransom for one as poor as I was at that time. Needless to say, I left the Fair that day, empty handed (or empty fingered as it were).

Years went by and thoughts of possessing that ring (not quite "the one to rule them all" but still "my precious to be") faded with time.

Then one sunny day friends and I had arranged another date with the jousters, jesters, jugglers and jolly maidens of Renaissanceland.

Upon arrival - and with no reason to think that after all the passing years (roughly 10) it would actually be there - I raced to the location of Pepi's stall (as best I could recall) and there it was, exactly as I remembered.

It took me less than a minute to find the ring on display among Pepi's wares, another to to get sized and to finally purchase "my precious."

(It's worth noting that the price was the same - or maybe a bit more costly - but that at the time of that second visit my funds, aka income, were much greater than when I had first seen the ring. If that ring had cost twice or even three times as much, it was now easily affordable and therefore would be "mine... all mine...")

After having one of Pepi's lovely salespeople demonstrate how to assemble the ring* I slipped it on my finger, became completely invisible (not) and beaming from ear to ear, strode off to enjoy the rest of my day of time traveling, mutton and mead.

(*Remember, it's a puzzle; six separate bands, linked but loose, that when arranged form a single, thicker band which slips on your finger. Once "solved" the outer surface - the part you wear on top of your finger - has a slightly ornate, interlocking design. I think it's quite pretty.)

More years go by. I wear the ring pretty much every day (and kind of freak out when I forget to wear it). Every once in a while - for example when setting the ring down on a table - the ring will accidentally "fall apart" back into its "incomplete puzzle" form (six separate, linked bands) at which point I have to take my time re-assembling it back into its "single ring" form.

Since re-assembling the ring takes time and needs to be done with great care (the one thing you can never do is bend one of the individual bands as that will likely make the ring impossible to re-assemble without repair) it's sometimes inconvenient or even annoying to assemble. That said, it also affords me the opportunity to show people how unique (at least I think it's unique) the ring is - here it is apart, now here it is put back together (the two conditions seem diametrically opposed when viewed that way). When I can "show off" the ring that way, it's kind of cool but I rarely let it "fall apart" on purpose.

One of the things that has always puzzled me (pun intended) is that people rarely notice the ring when I'm wearing it. "Hey, nice ring," or, "I couldn't help but notice that ring your wearing" are not words I've heard over the years. As I find the ring very appealing and interesting looking, I wonder if maybe it's just me that finds it so.

(By contrast, I've also worn a silver pinky ring shaped in the form of a dragon that people do notice and comment on from time to time. I think my puzzle ring is jealous of the dragon but I wear them on separate hands so no evil magic has erupted... yet.)

So years go by, the puzzle ring is always on, and one day, I noticed one of the two outer bands has broken (at its thinnest point at the 'bottom' of the band).

I managed to find Pepi & Co. on the Internet (link below) and after contacting them they offered to repair the ring (if possible) if I would pay shipping.

For around $15 I had my ring back; restored and shiny. It still refused to turn me invisible, but I was still happy to have it back where it belonged.

Which brings me to the reason for telling this tale.

About a week ago, I noticed that one of the outer bands had broken. I expected this might occur as the last few times I had to re-assemble the ring, I observed how thin and delicate each band, especially the outer ones, had become at their bottoms. Normal wear and tear I had to assume.

So I was not shocked to learn, after returning the ring once more to Pepi & Co. that the ring was beyond repair. Even when I returned the ring the first time for repair I thought it might not be able to be restored and I might have to purchase a replacement and so that was the only option left to me now (as not having the ring at all would be inconceivable).

While I'm sure Pepi could not possibly offer lifetime warranties on his rings (mine, after all was at least over thirty years old), they were nice enough to offer me a new ring at a very generous discount.

So they've shipped my replacement and as I await delivery, I thought I'd tell this story in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, my new puzzle ring may end up being "the one" this time.

And if it refuses to "rule them all" and just sits there, looking all charming and cute, I'll revel in the knowledge that the two of us will "leave this mortal coil" together. Well I'll 'pass on,' the ring will find a home on the finger of some new owner and then... that's when the damn thing will turn it's new master invisible.

The people at Puzzle Rings by Pepi are great. Their art is wonderful. My ring is the 6 Band Twist Light (Silver) - Model 6T-16-S/S